Questions and Answers

I’m trying to gather up the courage to go talk to you but I…

…don’t know how to? I know just a hey is not enough and I’m trying to think of something worth your time and attention but I really am not that imaginative…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Let’s make it simple for your unimaginative little brain.

Sit down and make a list of the things you have and the things you can get and the things you can be.

Then look at the list and think about the vast array of weaknesses and fears and self-defeating habits that dictate oh-so-many of your decisions; think about how useful such defects in your character could be in the hands of someone intent upon toying with them. Then add them to the list.

Now look at the list once more, and ask yourself how it would feel to lose it all.

Then make me an offer.