Questions and Answers

I’ll never be yours but I love you…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

You don’t know what you’ll never be. You likely have an at-best vague notion of what you’ve been, and obviously have a minimal understanding of what you are… but when it comes to knowing absolutely nothing, it’s the future where you truly exceed yourself.

Now, will you be mine? Odds are against you on that one, I admit. But I don’t like your energy here. The foolish certainty in your “never” suggests that you’re convinced of your insufficiency at the outset —which is probably for the best— but the manifold failures of your body and mind are obstacles to be overcome, not enemies to whom you surrender.

Cunts quit when they’re told to quit, and not before. They make themselves just a little bit better every day, until they’re either good enough to catch my eye, or so proud of themselves that they forget who I am. (Don’t worry, they don’t forget for long… pride goeth before destruction. after all.)

And for the record? “Being mine” is the wrong objective if you want to actually, y’know… be mine. Focus on becoming the most useful implement in my drawer, the all-purpose thing for which I reach when I have a need. Make my life better with your utility, and eventually I’ll want to keep you tucked away in the warmth of my pocket.

Good tools make good girls.