Questions and Answers

have u ever made genuine relationships from ur tumblr? i find most people are…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

have u ever made genuine relationships from ur tumblr? i find most people are fakes :c

I’m always a little surprised at questions like this, because I’ve made a number of genuine relationships here that have lasted over many years.

But in fairness, I have unusual advantages. I first fucked a fangirl in 1993, so there’s nothing about the Tumblr experience that’s new to me. (Except the fact that in 1993, women only made up ~20% of the online communities I frequented… obviously, that’s changed as the decades have passed.) And because my attention is a highly-valued, very limited commodity, it’s generally not worth the effort to fuck around with me.

Also, once you’re really involved with me, I know everything about who you are, what you’re doing, and where you’re going. It’s hard to be significantly fake when your independence and privacy are systematically stripped away by an all-seeing overlord. 😏