
How did you become friends with šŸ„ŗ tips plz



whaaaaat – I donā€™t wanna answer this uhā€¦ presumptuously, cause the way I feel n think about him isnā€™t ā€¦ i donā€™t know if Iā€™m a friend to him, Iā€™m really nothing at all I just – ah. donā€™t have .. tips, really. Hm. ā€¦. hang on actually Iā€™m gonna go check first.

well ok so šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ» I dunno about uh. how to become friends or anything I- aw geez I donā€™t know. I kinda just sent messages for years about how much I adore his writing n stuff and – listen my memory is awful and thereā€™s a solid chunk of time I repressed entirely for other reasons, so I barely remember anything there, but I know I must have been borderline annoying and felt kinda like a whack-a-mole popping up constantly.

Iā€™m the wrong person to ask I think. I dunno if Iā€™m a friend, but to me heā€™s ā€¦ the best person Iā€™ve met, and always says the right thing, and listens, and supports, advises, cheerleads, n every now and then says a thing that just settles whatever it is Iā€™m freaking out about – and does it all in a way that makes you blush a lot and forget how to articulate properly. Anyway I love him a lot, and Iā€™m fully aware that Iā€™m nothing special, so I have a note in my notes app full of lil reminders and goals Iā€™m setting for myself to try n even slightly deserve how wonderful he is and šŸ™ƒ thatā€™s kinda it. I think heā€™s the best and try to show that, when I can. I think friends is the wrong word here and thatā€™s whatā€™s giving me troubles – ā€˜pathetic clingy remora-like speck of dust doing her best to let a Very Important Person know how great he isā€™ would be more accurate.

As for tips UhHhHhh. Heā€™s actually got a super neat, handy-dandy post i eventually saved and read obsessively and took notes on and dreamed of repeatedly here, and is much more informative and succinct than my embarassing ramble. :))) šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤

If this isnā€™t the cutest thing ever, I donā€™t know what is.