Questions and Answers

Heya! Hope you’re having a good day. Is the broken girl film academy on…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Heya! Hope you’re having a good day. Is the broken girl film academy on patreon up and running, or is it inactive?

Despite initial optimism, I began to doubt I could reliably sustain a ramble. But I’ve lately been experimenting with Peanut… I’ve been walking her through Twin Peaks via screen-sharing, ruining the experience of the show with a low frame rate, visible browser chrome, and shitty sound, but adding my improvised commentary track over the top.

We’re up to S02E03, and things have gone well so far. An audience that isn’t quite as in love with me might not find it so entertaining, but who knows…?

So, basically: I’m workin’ on it.