Questions and Answers

What’s your favorite memory?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

What’s your favorite memory?


I’m a half-century old… I have lots of memories. (Some of them are even accurate!) So I can’t say I have a single favorite, but…

  • Playing with my dog when I was little.
  • Riding three-wheelers through the woods as a kid.
  • Booting up my Amiga 500 for the first time.
  • The moment when David Lynch turned me into a cinephile.
  • An envelope full of nude Polaroids arriving at my mailbox, sent by the first girl I met online.
  • The first time I played Super Mario 64.
  • Walking around Las Vegas in the ‘90s.
  • That time the code run faster than expected.
  • Using Cold Case Files as background noise for sex.
  • Two girls at a Club La Vela bikini contest, grinding on me in an effort to get on camera as a dozen groping dudes surrounded us and the girls decided to put on a show.
  • The day my current dog and I reached an understanding.
  • FInding Tumblr.
  • Halloween with two of my girls.
  • The French Quarter in springtime.