Questions and Answers

I feel like I’m mindless quite a lot, but also tend to overshare. Touchstarved…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

I feel like I’m mindless quite a lot, but also tend to overshare. Touchstarved and lonely, if I must say. A sad sight

Why am I always hoping I never have to make decisions for myself? Wish I could be of use and stay at home at his disposal, mindless, mindless

I’m not sure why, really. I could generate an opinion if pressed, but mindlessness really isn’t my thing. I mean, I tell girls they’re idiots all the time, but that’s not an absolute judgement. They’re just relatively stupid.

I like girls who think and think and think, whose weird little heads could do something more useful than pick a nail polish if they were simply set to a purpose. If they looked at life not as a meandering path through travail and tedium, but rather as a series of opportunities to make me proud.

(There’s nothing wrong with vocational mindlessness, by the way. It’s just not an urge I indulge.)