Questions and Answers

Hey pops, can I ask for some advice please?There’s this guy: foul, vile, fucked…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Hey pops, can I ask for some advice please?

There’s this guy: foul, vile, fucked up pretty much everyone around him back when I knew him in high school, I’m talking tried to cheat on his girlfriend with me, fingered a girl with cum on his hand because apperantly the possibility of her getting pregnant was funny, and he was constantly testing my physical boundaries like all the fucking time (which as a horny teen who was extremely attracted to him, I pretty much let him do whatever he wanted), he’d pull me into corners and feel me up because he knew I wouldn’t question it, kiss my neck when we hugged even if his girlfriend was right there because he knew she couldn’t see, wrap his hand around my neck in public just to see what I’d do, push me up against walls and lean down so his face was really close to mine like he was waiting for me to do something, put his hand in my hair and pull on it until I was looking up him, etc etc etc. We never actually did anything honestly, he did kiss me once when he caught me off guard though, but every time he’d touch me he’d always smile or laugh after like it was all some big joke, I could never tell if he meant any of it or if he just somehow knew how whipped I was for him and thought it was funny.

It’s been years since I’ve even seen him, nevermind spoken to him, No one from high school fucks with him anymore, but he somehow re-entered my life. I know I shouldn’t talk to him, he’s horrible and he’s done questionable things to me and people I cared about back then, but there’s a piece of me that really wants to fuck him. All that unresolved tension from when we were teenagers, it’s never gone away, I’ve wanked to shit he’s done and now I don’t know what to do, is fucking him worth how traumatic that could be? I’ll probably lose friends over it, but I’ve thought about him since freshman year I’ll go mad if I do the right thing and ignore him

If you ended up reading this, thanks I appreciate it pops much love ❤️

I did a lot of fucked-up, creepy shit in high school. I knew some of it was naughty-bad, but I didn’t see how often it was also shitty-bad. I was in my early 20s before I figured it out. I can’t speak for modern boys, but way-back-then, it was easy to reach your teens as a guy without ever giving a moment’s thought to how uncomfortable we made girls feel.

Anyway… many things changed for me as the years rolled on, and maybe they’ve changed for him too. He’s almost certainly still sexually aggressive and might be eager to corner you, but hopefully, he will have also developed a conscience… or at least an understanding of moderation and fair play.

Where’s his head at? Is he still in high school, sexually and emotionally? If he is, If you ask me, it isn’t worth the thrill. His lack of growth will start to feel stupid to you, and you don’t want that tainting your memories.

But if he’s matured, and seems to have a sense of proportion and responsibility… it’s worth considering. He can take you places no one else can, and while it won’t be 1/10th as good as you’ve imagined it, that doesn’t mean it won’t be good.

The sacrificial friendships are a thornier matter.

You’ve got to tell at least one or two friends, because you can’t get mixed up with a highly problematic man without someone knowing what you’re up to. Shit can rapidly get out of hand, and even a thin tether to external reality can help. So hiding it isn’t going to be an option.

I dunno… are your friends really the kind of people who would see a friend get involved with a known sexual bully and actually do his job for him by isolating her? Are they so stupid and self-centered that they’d actually kick-start the mechanisms of abuse with their withdrawal?

Or is this the infuriating culmination of a long-established sequence of bad decisions involving bad boys? I suppose I could understand their “we’re out” attitude if you’ve tasked their patience for years on end, but if this is your first, big, aberrant idea? If they’re any kind of friends at all, they’re not just going to throw you to the wolves.

NOTE: If they do abandon you, this is not a sign that you should cling to the dickhead. Quite the opposite… it indicates you need some time alone to think about the kind of people you’re letting into your life.