Questions and Answers

how is it like to be around you in real life? can glimpses of your online persona be found in your everyday life as well?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

  • My online persona long pre-dates Tumblr and is probably older than you are, so it’s pretty much just me at this point. With that said, it’s not exactly like my offline personality… I’m far more polite to strangers than I am to anons, and my online commentary is often missing the grin and/or wink that would normally accompany it.
  • The biggest difference is on your end… this is a seven year old blog, so over time my ideas have evolved, perspectives have shifted, and relationships have multiplied. In short, you’re sipping a rushing river through a straw here. If you discover my blog during a week when I’m replying kindly to a bunch of confused anons, you’ll have one impression of my persona… if you find me when I’m reblogging works of fiction from 2014, you’ll have another… and if you stumble across me while I’m being mean to girls I like, you’ll have yet another. But if you start at the beginning and catch up with the whole thing, what you’ll be left with is a view of me that isn’t too far off the mark.