Questions and Answers

I think men and women should have hair. I think vulvas look weird without hair…

…and I like the padding. I think all these guys like what they always see on porn just because they’re used to seeing it on porn, and I think their biggest sexual argument is with oral, but not everyone gives a crap about oral. In fact, a lot of people don’t have much of an interest in it at all. I think this is another porn-distortion. Of course some people like it, but by these comments you’d think it were obligatory or something.

I prefer a landing strip, or a little triangle or something. I like women, not girls.

I reckon after some desensitisation, I could come around to hairy armpits. It’s probably like hot sauce or something.

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

To each their own, obviously. Unless they’re my own, in which case it’s time for the wax and lasers.

With that said… the whole “porn made them do it” explanation is common, but doesn’t match my experience. The first porn I saw was a copy of Velvet in 1979, purloined by my friend from his older brother, who had no doubt stolen it from someone else. And let me tell you, it was a full-on Muffapalooza in there… everything from manicured bushes to wild, untamed underbrush. I thought it was all rather messy, and chose to focus on the boobs instead.

Fortunately, by the early ‘90s I was buying my porn, and things changed: landing strips were the norm, and fully exposed cunts were increasingly common. It was a revelation. I could see everything! Pussy could be pretty! I became actively interested in oral, because I’d finally seen slits I actually wanted to kiss. If anything, the porn changed to cater to people like me.

And this preference was reinforced during my first real world attempt to eat someone out, wherein I discovered —among other things— that wet pubes provide an unpleasant tactile experience. If it hadn’t been for all that porn promising me something better, I might never have licked a clit again.

RE: “I like women, not girls.”

I like women who think like girls.