Questions and Answers

Is there such thing as too desperate for your attention? Doesn’t anything annoy you?

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

When it comes to the “clamoring for attention” phase, the line most frequently crossed is entitlement. I have no patience for it.

You’d be amazed how many girls think that a flash of tit, some semi-articulate babbling about pain, and “I’m nineteen” are somehow going to magically get them ushered backstage to meet the metaphorical band… and some even have the gall to be offended when I am wholly disinterested. I mean, I get it… it’s confusing, the first time you encounter someone like me. You’ve never had to beg a man to look your way. It feels strange, and you resent it. But you’ll survive, and become a better person.

Humility is the first of many gifts I’ll give you.