Questions and Answers

When you are a plumper women online, what is the etiquette when talking to…

When you are a plumper women online, what is the etiquette when talking to a new potential partner? I am not the type to like to waste time, but I dont want to seem self conscious or whatever by just out in out saying fyi I am not a skinny girl.(i am not skinny but I am not fetish fat either) What is the best thing to do in your opinion?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

That’s a good question. You want to address the fact early so it doesn’t become A Thing, but you feel weird for needing to address it at all, so it’s just completely unpleasant.

Here’s my extremely male suggestion: shoot a good silhouette photo of yourself. No identifying or embarrassing details of any kind. Just the outline of your body. Put it on a vibrant background. Send it to men and call it art. Ta-da! They now know your body type without putting you in a vulnerable position, or starting a gross conversation that might be unnecessary.