Questions and Answers

How do you deal with girls that want to get thinner fast and have…

How do you deal with girls that want to get thinner fast and have an eating disorder? Do you take in thin girls only?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

“Get thinner fast” is just girlspeak for “I’m going to do that thing now where I torture myself until I undermine myself and then hate myself for both.”

And I deal with them by insisting they pursue prettiness in a disciplined, rational manner that will provide results in a reasonable timeframe, without deviating from the core tenets of my ownership: no hospitals, no jail, do as you’re told, and in the absence of orders to the contrary, protect the property.

RE: thin girls only

  1. That would be short-sighted. There are plenty of skinny bitches out there who won’t do as they’re told, and all the pretty in the world is useless without obedience. ‘Cause it’s easier for a blob to fit through the eye of a needle than for a thoughtless, selfish girl to enter the kingdom of my affection.
  2. By my recollection, I’ve owned girls who ranged from size 0 to Lane Bryant. By their recollection, I’ve owned a carnival sideshow full of grotesqueries. Which means if you’re with me, you probably think you’re fat… and the way I choose to address your understanding will depend on how you squirm and cling when I agree with you.
  3. I won’t bullshit you… a hot little ass and toned tummy appeals to me. (GASP!) And because I’m in the wholly-absurd-yet-gratifying position of being on the winning side of supply vs. demand, pretty faces/bodies will always have a chance to cut the line. (It’s a long line.) It’s not fair, but then, “fair” isn’t why you’re here, is it cunt?
  4. Sure, she’s hot. But does she eat ass? How wet does she get when I linger over her sister’s Instagram? Does she daydream about changing her last name to mine? Does she pick up the tab when I have dinner with someone else? Does she write me stupid little love poems that look like a 3rd grader puked up crayons in a language-like pattern? Pretty is just pretty. Be special.