Questions and Answers

Good afternoon Mr Bedtime! Once it’s been stablished a girl is your possession, how…

Good afternoon Mr Bedtime! Once it’s been stablished a girl is your possession, how much is she allowed to engage in sexual or romantic relationships that don’t include you? I was wondering because I think you mentioned that not all of them live close to you or even in the same country. Hope this isn’t too impolite of a question~

(submitted by: Anonymous)

It was quite polite… you can relax.

How much? If she’s special in some way, then not at all. I’ve learned it’s best that the virgins and the weaklings and the fools be mine alone.

But if she’s just a cunt, then sure, she can date… I simply insist that she deposit an appropriate fee in my account when she gets home at the end of the evening.

She can pay the fee herself, of course… she doesn’t have to be a whore.

But y’know… who could blame me for assuming…?