Questions and Answers

What are your thoughts about mutual masturbation?

What are your thoughts about mutual masturbation? 😏


“Ouch. You’ve got the angle all wrong, dipshit.”


“Jesus, okay, that’s better but now I can’t properly… what in the fuck is wrong with you? Did I tell you to stop?”

“What? I thought—”

“That sentence need go no further.”


“Get fucking going.”


“So as I was saying before a pretty little trash heap interrupted me—”



“As I was fucking saying again… the way you changed, now I can’t properly get at your cunt. Your fucking arm is just— don’t look at me like that, pig. I didn’t screw your limbs on this way.”

“I can—”

“When I decide what I want done, you’ll be the first to know, half-wit. Just… okay, yes, that’s better, but not what I… hmph.”


“Soooo… have we stumbled across something you can actually do?”


“Surprisingly good.”


“Don’t ruin it, smug whore.”

“I always ruin it.”

“So shut up and break your streak.”