Questions and Answers

What is the biggest age difference you would be comfortable with in a relationship,…

What is the biggest age difference you would be comfortable with in a relationship, and what age difference is too much?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I don’t care about the age difference… the culture gap is what matters.

I’ve always said I prefer ‘90s girls because their formative childhood years and my formative adult years directly overlap. They were on the floor in front of the TV, watching what their parents watched… which is what I watched. All of “my” is music is stuff they instantly recognize from mom’s car radio. The younger ones grew up in a world before smartphones, and the oldest grew up in a time before the internet was an omnipresent thing… they can relate to being a creature with a foot in two worlds.

I find that things are more complicated with the typical Gen Z girl. Even if she’s pretty like a Disney princess and eager to be destroyed, we often view the world through very different lenses. If I were just in this for the fucking, it might not matter so much… but I’m not, so it does.

Now, if I were courted by a preternaturally articulate and self-aware 18 year old who was raised by her grandparents, okay, she might have a shot. And my current pet project is a 25 year old Zoomer Elder, so I would struggle to put an EXPIRES BY label on my preferences… it’s not about the date. It’s about the context.