Questions and Answers

How would you handle a sub with anxiety who has a compulsive need to…

How would you handle a sub with anxiety who has a compulsive need to be good and any accidental misbehavior can cause an anxiety attack? Asking for a friend…

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’d tell her that accidents are inevitable and ultimately forgivable. That a failure to try is the greatest failure of all, far greater than any error. That her bravery in the face of her insecurities is one of the things that separates her from all the girls who don’t belong to me, and fills me with pride.

But I wouldn’t seek to shield her from her anxiety. A girl of mine should do what I need her to do when I need it done… if she has to claw her way through an anxiety attack to fulfill her purpose, then she shall.

(NOTE: the preceding statement of resolve is sometimes ignored in the moment because I’m a soft touch when I’m high.)

More than anything, I’d ask her what she sees in me. Because I feel like a day alone with me would be her ultimate nightmare. Seriously… I can find fifty mistakes in everything she says, does, or wants between meeting me at baggage claim and getting to the hotel. By the time she’s naked I’ll have to reach for some lube, ‘cause a girl like that will have long since dehydrated herself by bawling.

When you’re with me, you’ve lost before every game begins. You’re always wrong, even when you’re not. There is no way to get it right. You can certainly win my approval, my praise, my pride… but just between us, we both know you could have done better, don’t we?

Of course we do. Good girl.