Questions and Answers

My daddy is away for 10 days and I want to use this time…

My daddy is away for 10 days and I want to use this time to train my ass for him. He’s really into anal but i’ve been too tight for us to do it. I’m doing well so far, but I’m really bad at keeping secrets.

Do I tell him what I’m doing (although he’s really busy so won’t have the time to give me orders etc while he’s away), or do I keep training as a secret and surprise him when he’s back?

I don’t know what to do and I’m awful at making decisions, please help! 🥺

(submitted by: Anonymous)

This is a good problem to have. You lucky little devil you.

Is he the kind of person who enjoys anticipation? Then telling him is the way to go… tell him not to give it a thought while he’s busy, but you’ll give him regular updates on your efforts that he can read/view at his leisure.

Is he one of those weirdos who refuse to open presents until Christmas morning? Keep it a secret. He’ll appreciate that you already installed the “butt-whore” DLC for him.

And quit worrying about keeping the secret. First, because the more you worry, the more likely you’ll spill. Second, because if you do somehow brain-fart in front of him, he’ll just say it was cute and breathe through his mouth for a minute… your heart is 100% in the right place, so even if you’re found out, he’ll be happy.

Now… don’t fuck up an open path to the hoop.

Work that asshole for him.