Questions and Answers

hii im relatively new to engaging w doms on Tumblr/other platforms and while i…

hii im relatively new to engaging w doms on Tumblr/other platforms and while i have established some core boundries im not sure when i should just listen to my dom and when i should go with my gut.

also the dom im currently interacting with is in a different country which makes it tougher for me to follow through on the instructions? im sorry i don’t know if this post makes sense

if you were able to read this, thank you so much for taking the time to go through my bullshit

(submitted by: Anonymous)

RE: going with your gut

Are we talking about your gut —the system of assumptions and values you’ve assembled over a lifetime that serves as a reflexive psychological immune system— or your anxiety— a rotating selection of hypothetical doomsday scenarios and malevolent plot twists?

If it’s your actual gut telling you a directive is a problem, you should definitely investigate the situation with your dom. Either your gut is right and there’s a problem, or your gut needs to be trained to process what he’s feeding it. Either way, a conversation should happen.

If it’s your anxiety giving you shit, then tell that bitch to sit down and shut up, using whatever behavioral or pharmaceutical methods best suit you.

RE: just listen to my dom

That’s a bad strategy when you’re new.

“Just listen” is for experienced girls, listening to familiar voices who are talking them through the difficult birth of a new idea. Right now, your gut may be largely uninformed and hypersensitive, but it’s all you’ve got to guide you… you need to focus on developing your palate, so eventually you can make an informed decision about trusting someone else’s.

RE: going through your bullshit

You’re welcome. 🙂