Questions and Answers

My husband doesn’t fuck me. We fuck maybe once a year. I’ve communicated about…

My husband doesn’t fuck me. We fuck maybe once a year. I’ve communicated about it but nothing changes, I have such a high drive I really want to be used and treated like a dumb little girl.

What do i do Mr B?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Soooo… I feel like like you buried the lede here.

You have a high sex drive and want to be used and treated like a dumb little girl. And to me, that’s like, okay… good start, you show promise. But for him? I don’t know the man, but do you realize how intimidating you could be to a guy who is completely unlike me?

You’re not describing “I want my bf to spank me and call me a dirty slut” sex. You’re describing something more… intensive. It’s the kind of thing that has to be approached with confidence, and whatever is keeping you two from connecting sexually, it ain’t confidence. I doubt his head is anywhere near where it needs to be for that.

If you ever want him to reach a place where he can give you a “fuck you up” experience, it’s going to take a lot of time and effort and dedication to a much more sedate, routine sexuality, from which other, more exotic things can grow. “What to do” is thus painfully simple: slowly rebuild your sexual connection by normalizing physical intimacy.

Now you just need to decide if you’re prepared for such a journey.