Questions and Answers

How do you feel about the fetishization of latin american women by basically every…

How do you feel about the fetishization of latin american women by basically every other group of people?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

As a clueless white man, I’m not sure my half-assed and wholly-uninformed opinion matters.

But as it turns out, I happen to own a Latin American woman… so I directed this ask to her. And she basically responded with “it doesn’t feel that way to me, but if true, it’s understandable because Latin American women are just that hot.”

For my part, I was honestly shocked a moment ago when I popped over to Pornhub and looked at the video counts in the various race-fetish categories… “Latina” completely dominates the field. (I watch very little porn, obviously.) Rather than answers, this discovery gives me questions of my own.

Like, how different does fetishization feel to a “Latina” and an “Indian”, given that in terms of the numbers, they’re at opposite ends of the obsessive sexualization spectrum? Is this just a US Pornhub phenomenon, or is this predilection truly universal? Does being fetishized to that extreme —to the point that it seems intuitively normal— make it exponentially worse or better?