Questions and Answers

Do you ever have just normal sex that doesn’t involve humiliating or harming a…

Do you ever have just normal sex that doesn’t involve humiliating or harming a woman?? would you ever actually do something like that to a woman knowing it could ruin her entire life??? I understand being turned on by that thought but by actually doing that it seems kind of cruel so I’m just wondering

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Unclutch your pearls, Margaret.

  1. If you’re going to approach me with Nervous Mom At The Football Tryouts energy, you need to bring some specificity with you. What’s “normal sex”? Some unknown, multicultural baseline? The sex that makes you comfortable?
  2. What’s humiliating? Calling her names? (Which ones?) Making her feel stupid? (Does it count if she is, in fact, demonstrably stupid?) Making her feel old? Making her feel young? Making her feel big? Making her feel small? Do you realize how profoundly humiliating it can be for some girls to accept a gentle, loving kiss on their cunts? I suspect you don’t appreciate how truly rare it is for any sexual interaction to be devoid of some sort of inflicted shame.
  3. I’ve harmed someone a few times over the years, back in my twenties. (A wire hanger and a Zippo led to an interesting scar. An ambitious long-stroke that turned into unexpected and wholly unprepared anal was no fun for anyone.) I’m sure I will again, eventually. And then we’ll do what adults do when they play for the same team: I’ll acknowledge I fucked up, clean her up, apply corrections to avoid a re-fuckening, and get us both back in the game.
  4. I want you to pause and think about my incentive structure. I’m not in to short-term shit… the people close to me are going to be close to me for years to come. Do you have any idea how exhausting it is, dealing with someone whose life is ruined? What in the name of sweet merciful fuck would make me want to ruin one of these little nincompoops? I want them to thrive, so that I may feast upon their beauty and bounty through the ages.