Questions and Answers

A lot of your stories seem to take place in the south or have…

A lot of your stories seem to take place in the south or have a southern gothic feel to them…I think thats super interesting, any reason why that is?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

There aren’t really that many, are there? Maybe… five? I could be forgetting something. Perhaps a couple more by implication?

I think the Southern thing stands out because that’s one of the only milieux I know well enough to bake a sense of place into the characters’ speech patterns and world-views.

I get way more generic with everything else. As we discovered when I was livestreaming some of my stories this weekend, many are delivered with a Midwestern vibe… I found myself getting slightly Minnesota-y in one story, and veering toward an awful-but-hopefully restrained faux-Chicago thing in the next. You wouldn’t know from the text… that’s just the way it sounds “right” to me.

Oh, and if my writing ever starts sounding quaintly English, that’s because some things you say are just funnier when you’re doing a sexually selfish Terry Pratchett impression.