Questions and Answers

How many people live in your house, and if you don’t live alone, is…

How many people live in your house, and if you don’t live alone, is everyone you live with aware of your kinks and many fangirls? How do you handle being kinky at home around people who aren’t aware?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I don’t live alone. As I’ve pointed out in the past, what are the chances that a middle-aged, reasonably thoughtful sadist who knows how to use words to enchant girls and lacks a criminal record/drinking problem has ever lived alone?

Everyone’s aware. Hell, my closest friends and the whole of my immediate family have known since I told my mom I was kinky back in ‘94… she was fishing for answers because I’d suddenly sprouted a new relationship with a girl from out of state who I met “on the computer” and (a) seemed very deferential to me and (b) made some extreme noises within earshot of the neighbors. I was a far more cuddly version of what you see here, so being straightforward was pretty painless.

I handle it by being a relatively normal person. Not being an intrusive prick in public is painless.

AND! And I’m going to shock everyone here I know, but stay with me… there is a thing called submission. Even in those times when it would be impolite or impolitic for me to be overtly demanding or mean, she can still do submissive things! She can fetch my drink without being told. She can whisper a request for permission to pee. She can ensure I’m comfortable. She can touch me and remind herself she belongs with me.

Kinky people don’t need to be rude to be kinky.