Questions and Answers

I’ve wanted to ask a dom this for so long – do you ever…

I’ve wanted to ask a dom this for so long – do you ever just like…run out of ideas during sex or a scene? as a sub I always admire my partners so much for how quickly and easily they seem to think of things to do. just one thing after the other, how do yall do it? does it take a lot of practice or is it something that kinda comes naturally if you have the desire? i’ve tried, not even dom-ing, but just being in the lead, and it’s always a disaster i have no idea what im doing lol

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Some doms have a well-practiced repertoire. Some doms are focused planners.

And then there’s me. I prefer to improv that motherfucker… I don’t have a checklist, I have an algorithm. Thus some days I’m not on my game, and some days I’m working wonders like the offspring of Jesus and Stevie Nicks.

So yeah, there are times I run dry. But that’s why girls exist… when I’m empty, I just cut open their soft little hearts, play with the bits, and consume everything I like. Next thing you know, I’m once again full of energy and ideas.

Thank goodness cunt is a renewable resource.