Questions and Answers

I steal from work. I just wanted to get it out there somewhere safe.…

I steal from work. I just wanted to get it out there somewhere safe. I steal toilet paper, water, coffee, Kleenex, paper towel, dish soap, small food items and bandaids, such like that. I don’t sell any of it, or anything like that. it’s things I need.

I don’t feel bad about it because it’s an large international conglomerate business that starts with Wal 🙄 and they don’t even pay living wages. And treat us like trash. (I’d never steal from a mom&pop size place or anywhere else for that matter).

I don’t shoplift or do any other kind of theft, I have never stolen from a place I was browsing and grocery shopping for instance, only this place I work at, I don’t cheat and I don’t lie in general. I think of myself as an honest person, but fuck this place and fuck that I can’t afford this sort of little items on the wages they pay.

So I take what I need. No way of them seeing me, I know the camera blind spots and the tricks of getting stuff that won’t be missed. And I smile as I leave. It saves me a small amount of money that I can instead spend on bills. Have been doing this for YEARS.

Thank you for listening and I am sorry if this makes me wicked, I just have never told anyone and I had to get it out, like confession to god ❤️

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I worked at a similar Institute of Lower Earning when I was a kid, and I took a lot of stuff. I assume it happens constantly. (The company probably lost more money to my flirting on the clock, but I was good for morale.)

With that said, I hope you find a better way to meet your needs. The money you’ve saved will pale compared to everything you’ll lose when you slip up and someone decides to make an example of you.

Oh, and for the record? I posted this solely for the closing sentence. 🙂