Questions and Answers

it’s kinda weird 2 me that ur a real person tbh…i’ve followed and admired…

it’s kinda weird 2 me that ur a real person tbh…i’ve followed and admired you for so long i think of u more as a God at this point <3 (God of sexy emotional torment, if that’s a thing :p)

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I must say, I like the ring of “god of sexy emotional torment”. It’s an amusing and illuminating area of inquiry, and I feel like “petty godling” is in my wheelhouse.

Which is handy, since a growing number of simpletons have been calling me god of late, and I mean, sure, it’s adorable. And delightful in its implications: perspective is reality, if but one. Considering the state of their corrupted little souls, well… to an ant I’m a giant, right?

In other news, turns out having sex with ants is more fun than you’d think.

…and now I want an ant farm.