Questions and Answers

do “safewords” matter at time of punishment?

do “safewords” matter at time of punishment?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Stop. Thinking. Of. Safewords. As. Get. Out. Of. Jail. Free. Cards. They’re simply a fucking notification system, like the one on your phone… the main difference is that the Lightning port on pussy is called a “cervix”, and the fit is tight.

You receive the notification. You check it out. You decide what to do next. If that’s “shut this bitch down”, then fine. If you need to clear a glob of snot out of her airway and go back to choking her with a penis like God intended? Good. Do that.

If she’s one of those girls —of whom I’ve heard much but never met—who are routinely using it to completely opt out of the dynamic, then you have confirmed that she doesn’t want the dynamic, is probably engaging with it purely to amuse you, and needs you to stop and renegotiate the whole thing before you end up with charges filed against you. Good to know!

A safeword doesn’t nullify a wrong she’s done. It doesn’t clean the slate. It’s not an escape hatch for failure. It will not salvage her pride. There is only one absolution, and it is mine to bestow… there’s no magic word to make it happen.

So don’t be afraid of simple tools doing simple work. Don’t let edge cases blind you to utility. Most of all, don’t blame the mechanism for your bad relationship.