Questions and Answers

i just wanted to say watching your condensed livestream video really brightened my night.…

i just wanted to say watching your condensed livestream video really brightened my night. you’ve probably gotten this before but you have a very charming & comforting voice. as a long time fan of your blog and im certain others would agree i could probably listen to you talk about anything for as long as possible

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’m glad you had fun! I’m pretty happy with how the mic-only edit turned out, imperfect as it is.

The show in general is a work in progress. Technical glitches abound, some on my end, some on Telegram’s, but it’s getting better.

Someone the other day said that I sound younger, which I assume means I sound like I’m a youthful and vigorous forty-nine.

Oh, and before I forget: starting this week, the stream schedule expands to Monday/Thursday/Saturday at 7pm Eastern.