Questions and Answers

might be a dumb question but I’m a 23 y/o bedroom sub w/ a…

might be a dumb question but I’m a 23 y/o bedroom sub w/ a lovely bf. Thing is, I have bad knees due to my weight (I want to work on losing) and my dom loves having me as his pet, so he often likes to walk me on all fours. It’s often painful but I figure taking some pain is what a sub does right? Should I just put up with it and push through or do I politely ask to not walk on hands and knees? The pain isnt unbearable but it’s not at all pleasant like how kinky pain is if that makes sense.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Well, first, it depends on your pain tolerance and your mutual understanding of how pain will be applied and received. For example, I’m happy to see a girl suffer, but I want the suffering to be intentional, not incidental.

And you’re calling yourself a “bedroom sub”, so I’d argue it could be out of bounds to be casually inflicting pain —especially the incidental kind— that will linger in your bones long after you’ve returned to the living room. It’s definitely something for you to consider, and more importantly, talk to him about.