Questions and Answers

How do I get past the block of feeling bad for not letting my…

How do I get past the block of feeling bad for not letting my sub cum for longer? She can go a day or two but I quickly feel bad and give in. I want to deny her for weeks.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Why on earth would you feel bad? Are those ugly little pelvic spasms of hers so medically vital that she’ll die without them?

What’s going to happen? Is she going to… get incredibly horny and needy? Oh. No. That’s horrible. How tragic. I ache for her loss. Hey everyone, let’s form a circle, hold hands, and cry a river for this brave young woman’s heroic sacrifice.

C’mon, man. Snap out of it.

An orgasm will satisfy her cunt, but a “no” will satisfy her soul.

Minister to her.