Questions and Answers

I hate being fat. Men ignore me, they don’t even look my way. No…

I hate being fat. Men ignore me, they don’t even look my way. No one wants to see me. I’ve tried everything and I can’t fix it. I hate it. I hate myself.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

First, if you have in fact tried everything —meaning a solid year of consistently working out several times a week while controlling your caloric intake and ensuring basic nutrition throughout— then there’s nothing to fix. You’ve done your best with your body, and that’s okay. Forgive yourself —and the world— so you can move on with your life.

Now it’s time to work on the rest of you. ‘Cause I’m gonna let you in on a little secret: fat girls fuck. A lot. Yeah, sometimes it’s fetishized, but mostly it’s just… fucking. Because it doesn’t matter as much as you think it does. If you keep your heart and eyes open, opportunities will present themselves.

Are you going to be like the girl in the movie, who magically lands her Dream Boy, who could have anyone but chooses her because she’s beautiful inside? Probably not. Your Dream Boy can have his pick, and what he picks will likely be the whole package.

But that’s a problem with your unrealistic dreams, not your realistic body. Please try being kinder to yourself. And leave the mean shit to people like me.