Questions and Answers

Should we assume that, if you don’t follow us, we don’t peak your interest?…

Should we assume that, if you don’t follow us, we don’t peak your interest? Or maybe you haven’t noticed us? OR are you super particular on whom you give the coveted title of “mutual” to?

Been enjoying your blog for a while now and I became curious 🙊

– t

(submitted by: Anonymous)

No, you shouldn’t assume you don’t pique my interest.

It’s safer to assume one or more of the following:

  • Your blog doesn’t have enough original content.
  • There’s plenty of original work, but I don’t enjoy it. (This one hurts, I know.)
  • Your blog is a firehose and I’m not thirsty.
  • I have no idea you exist.

Now, if your blog is full of selfies and confessional writing, you’ve made your interest clear, and I’m still not following… there’s definitely some kind of disconnect. I don’t like something I’m seeing. But that just means you need to show me something I will like.

Assuming you can.