Questions and Answers

Best sort of nude to get?

Best sort of nude to get?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

When getting to know you? Something pretty and revealing.

When I know and like you? Pretty, revealing, and slutty.

When you’re mine? All of the above, plus videos of you humping the rim of your best friend’s toilet like the vile animal you are.


  • I prefer full-body stuff to close-ups.
  • If you’re going with video, you don’t necessarily need to fuck yourself… dance for me. Sing naked. Or what the hell, go ahead and fuck yourself, if that’s the only way you can be interesting.
  • Think of me while you’re in the changing room, show me some outfits, and slip a nude in for reference.
  • Understand that the nude you’ve spent three hours obsessing over —after you took and rejected 150 variations of it— isn’t quite as special to me. I’m not going to be mean to a stranger, but neither am I going to act excited when I’m not.
  • On the other hand, if you get an immediate, positive response to your nude, it means I am quite impressed. You’re probably going to be moving to the front of the line soon.