Questions and Answers

What is “meta-consent”? If I were to guess without context it sounds like cnc…

What is “meta-consent”? If I were to guess without context it sounds like cnc to me but going by how you speak they’re different. How are they different?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Bearing in mind I’m talking solely about my use of the terms, and I claim no broader authority:

CNC is a “no” that everyone knows is really a “yes”. It’s a suspension of disbelief powered by an erection. It’s bratting as performed by Le Grand Guignol.

Meta-consent, OTOH, is an assumption that the answer is always “yes”, until it becomes “no”. It’s an ongoing, bestowed authority and responsibility, which applies to matters both inside and outside the bedroom. In short, it is a watered-down, psychosexual power-of-attorney.

Their magisteria overlap, but they are very different things.