Questions and Answers

What is something that you have said you will never do, but have done?…

What is something that you have said you will never do, but have done? And, did you enjoy it?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Virtually everything I’ve ever done.

  • I swore I’d never hit a woman.
  • I thought I’d never control a woman.
  • I once hated watching girls cry.
  • I never imagined I’d call a girl “fat”.
  • I argued passionately, for many years, that pervasive control in a relationship was a bad thing.

As it turns out, most of the things I said I’d never do were things that reminded me of my dad… sadly, it took decades for me to realize that I am not, in fact, him.

PROTIP: Save yourself a lot of trouble and let it sink in right now. You are not your parents. They are lessons, not reflections.