Questions and Answers

How does that happen? Do you sit her down and redefine the relationship going…

How does that happen? Do you sit her down and redefine the relationship going forward or is she already basically yours and you only need put a label on it by then? Do the girls know when your going to decide to own them ?

it all seems like an obstacle course to become yours if it took one girl 1/4 of her life 😧

(submitted by: Anonymous)

They’re mine in their hearts long before they’re mine in fact. By the time I pull the trigger, they’ve been madly in love for quite some time, and have simply been waiting for me to finally change their lives.

RE: ¼

She did everything wrong at first, and wasted at least a couple years of her life. She approached me with a teenager’s sense of entitlement, which is pretty much the worst idea ever. (“Surely the horny old man will drop everything to talk to me! I’m nineteen!”) I’m pretty sure she even tried to convince me I’d regret not talking to her.

She was wrong.

I literally told her to fuck off. More than once. Then she’d come crawling back a few weeks or months later, chastened. Apologetic, even. Determined to be better. Until she said something obnoxious again. Unfortunately, she seemed to be under the impression that a skinny girl in a nice dress can’t be treated like a cunt.

Turns out she’s wrong about a lot of things.

So was it an obstacle course that brought her here? I dunno… she probably feels like it was. An obstacle course filled with tear-soaked nights and anxious hours staring at a phone. An obstacle course made out her fragmented self-respect and the ruined expectations of family and friends. She had to climb quite a mountain to find my trust.

But it would have all been much easier if she’d just done as she was told.