Questions and Answers

I’ve been secretly following you for a long time. I haven’t wanted to tell…

I’ve been secretly following you for a long time. I haven’t wanted to tell my daddy about your stories but he wants to move toward less “nice” after we spent time building trust. I’ve collected posts and videos for him.

In my real life, I’m out as a lesbian. Mostly I am, I guess, but I remember a post you had… a story that was about fixing girls like me. I looked through your posts for two hours hoping to find it for him because I think he doesn’t know how to push that topic without my “consent” to engage with it, and I really want him to know he won’t scare me away. Most stuff with corrective themes are either stupid and corny or nowhere near your level of intelligence, awareness and skill. Do you know if this post still exists? Please help me show my daddy this part of myself. I want him to know that it isn’t a hard limit for me.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

The fact that I am a guilty secret that kinky girls hide from their other guilty secrets is an endless source of delight for me.

Here’s the story, in both text and audio formats.

(Don’t forget that has a searchable version of the blog that makes it much easier to find things. All posts link back to their Tumblr originals, too, so you can search there and reblog here.)

You sound like a lovely little thing, by the way. Even if he doesn’t fully accept what you’re pitching here, always remember that merely wanting this with/for him is a clear indication that you are a good girl.