Questions and Answers

what are your thoughts on period i know some ppl are into it but…

what are your thoughts on period sex..? i know some ppl are into it but ik some ppl find it revolting. my ex never wanted to touch me when i got mine… said it wouldn’t be worth ruining our towels.

you seem really smart and knowledgeable so i feel like i’d trust you answering more than my own research ahaha… i feel like i did something wrong with my ex. i told him i would clean up and there are ways to do it safely and properly but he was convinced i was being disgusting.

sorry if i worsed this badly..! hope you have a great evening ^^

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Two things can be true at the same time.

  1. You did nothing wrong. There’s nothing wrong with you. You weren’t being disgusting. You seem like a thoughtful and considerate person.
  2. He associates blood with death or pain or that time his brother cut his head open on that fence that one summer… or he’s just fussy. Whatever it is, mixing blood and sex turns him off. Nothing wrong with that.

So the real problem isn’t that he didn’t want to fuck when you’re on the rag… it’s that he was making you feel disgusting for wanting something he didn’t. He’s got you thinking about hygiene when you should be thinking about his defensiveness and dismissiveness.

Pay attention, children. When a man you love is doing something that bothers you, it’s safe to assume that your girly brain has already constructed several layers of excuses for his behavior before you finally, consciously recognized it, so chances are, you’re not actually mad about whatever it is you think you’re mad about. You’re mad about the thing you’re trying not to notice, ‘cause it —rudely!— keeps demanding to be seen.