Questions and Answers

Hi, I’m christian and I’m waiting for marriage. Despite that I’m very into basically…

Hi, I’m christian and I’m waiting for marriage. Despite that I’m very into basically everything that is on your blog. I’m a romantic at heart and terrified of intimacy, but I still want all this kind of sex eventually, even though I’m scared that a church boy won’t want to do it, so maybe I’ll just settle for a very conservative man. I don’t know why I’m saying this, I never told anyone about any kinks of mine so I guess I just wanted to put this out there and maybe ask for some advice, if you have any. Thanks

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Based on my rather extensive study of a creature very similar to you, I can only urge you to strap in, kid… ‘cause the ride is gonna be wild.

The church boys will probably frustrate you. And you will likely find that the similarities between “kinky” and “conservative” aren’t as significant as you had hoped. So you might end up dipping your toes in unholy waters, while marshalling a fleet of rationalizations and facades to keep your soul safe while your heart sails abroad.

It’ll be exciting and scary and you will accrue a mountain of regrets to go with all the good stuff.

And the thing is, knowing all off this…? You’re going to do it all anyway.

That’s the kind of girl you are.