Questions and Answers

Hello Mr Bedtime, I’m 6’4″, 130lbs with 34B boobs and pink hair. I also…

Hello Mr Bedtime, I’m 6’4″, 130lbs with 34B boobs and pink hair. I also have a neurological condition that makes me really forgetful. It means I’m super easy to gaslight which is thrilling, but it’s getting worse. I can’t really trust my brain that much which scares me because I’m becoming more dependant on my Doms to remember things for me. I could really use some advice if you have time. I’ve been following your blog for a while and really trust you.

(submitted by: xbambi94x)

I kinda laugh and kinda sigh when I see a girl reflexively listing off her vital stats before asking someone’s advice, like her measurements are the coin of the realm or something.

I promise, I don’t need to know your cup size to have an opinion about your life. I only need to know your specs if you want me to assume control of everything you are.

As for the topic at hand… you sound fun, but you also sound like someone who needs a lot of conscientious care if she’s going to function properly while being manipulated by a man. If it were me, I’d be making you habituate to some grounding behaviors that ensure you have some sort of bedrock to stand upon… keeping a video diary, for example. Or identifying a friend who can be your confessor, taking in your scariest of truths without judgement, and saving it until you ask to have something clarified.

But then, that’s kind of my thing. I don’t just want to control or manipulate or gaslight you… I want you to know I’m doing it. I want to watch the realization sink in as your utter helplessness is revealed. I want you to know you’re in over your head. I want to give you every reason to run. And then watch you stay right where you are. Where you know you belong.

And while I’m thinking about it, this “Doms” plural thing sounds fraught at best. If you’ve got multiple people actively fucking with your head, then I’m not sure you can even call what’s happening “gaslighting”… with multiple cooks in the kitchen and your profoundly unreliable memory, you essentially lack any canonical sense of existence to undermine. Even if an individual wanted to, they couldn’t actually describe reality to you, because you’re wrapped up in independent, presumably uncoordinated deceptions. There is no “real” for you. It’s just chaos. And not even hot chaos, which is just an order beyond your ken… this is shitty chaos, where no one actually knows what’s going on, and it’s not clear they even care.

Take care of yourself, kid.