Questions and Answers

I get its angles but one of my butt cheeks is bigger than a…

I get its angles but one of my butt cheeks is bigger than a mans head. If i get too into it and move I could smoother him to death, obviously I would look out for distress from my partner but honestly the thought alone mortifies me

(submitted by: Anonymous)

If I’m fucking a girl who’s half my size and I collapse on her during orgasm, I might smother her. I’m not a disinterested, disconnected dumbfuck, so that’s not actually going to happen, but it’s in the realm of possibility.

Same thing applies to your ass and some dude, honey. It’s possible. And if you also happen to be an uncaring turd who pursues her own pleasure without any concern for the well-being of those around (or under) her, yeah, that could be a problem.

But it’s not gonna happen if you’re aware and you care. And I suspect you both are and do.

So just relax. Tell him to hold your hand while you’re riding him, and if his grip suddenly changes, ease off and check on him. Easy peasy.

And in the process, stop using a marginal risk to his safety as an excuse not to revel in your own sexuality. You’re allowed to have fun, y’know.