Questions and Answers

what would you say to a man that doesn’t like to eat pussy?i feel…

what would you say to a man that doesn’t like to eat pussy?

i feel like men who dont like eating pussy are somewhat forced into thinking that thats a bad thing or you’re a wuss. I genuinely dont like eating it and it makes me uncomfortable i just wanna know how i can come about that without seeming silly

(submitted by: Anonymous)

It depends on why you don’t like it.

My first time was really, really bad. I almost puked on her… the smell was awful, and the taste was beyond that. As an old man, I suspect she didn’t wipe well —or at all— after peeing, and I was basically smelling and tasting urine. But I could have easily blamed it on pussy-in-general and never tried again.

Fortunately, the next girl I went down on was someone I very much loved, and had been fantasizing about for years, so nothing was going to stop me from sliding face-first into home. Thankfully she smelled and tasted delightful, and I was like, “Oh thank fucking Christ.”

So if it’s a smell/taste/texture thing, try it some more, with different people. Don’t write it off ‘cause it wasn’t good a time or two… sometimes women are as gross as any dude. Then if you still don’t like it, well, just look for a girl who doesn’t like receiving… there are lots out there, and they don’t want your mouth anywhere near their cunts.

On the other hand, if you don’t like it because it makes you feel less manly or dominant, I have less sympathy. You need to refine and elaborate upon your ideas of manhood and dominance, ’cause you’re unnecessarily painting yourself into a corner.