Questions and Answers

I want to be able to give myself to my Master completely. Surrender my…

I want to be able to give myself to my Master completely. Surrender my body, my heart, my mind, to him. But it scares me very much and I don’t know how I could get over that fear. Or how I could even make sense of why I want that. How do you help your girls with it?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Patience. Both mine for them, and theirs for themselves.

What you’re describing is the emotional and lifestyle equivalent of a religious conversion. Like a girl entering a convent, you need to have spent a lot of time considering all that you’re giving up in the service of something greater… because it *should* scare you. Your future is on the line.

And when the time is right, when you’re ready…?

You’ll still be scared, but you’ll beg for it anyway.