Questions and Answers

damn i would kill myself If someone i loved said my value is Not…

damn i would kill myself If someone i loved said my value is Not on being hot but on being a good girl (not that this is wrong or bad, im Just clearly not the kinda girl for you and If Dolly takes It as a compliment then she definitely is)

(submitted by: Anonymous)

First, if you loved me and talked about killing yourself, I’d kick your ass. Who the fuck are you to even think about depriving me of one scintilla of the love I’m due? And besides, anyone who loves me knows the One Rule: protect the property. You don’t damage what doesn’t belong to you.

Second, I didn’t say she wasn’t hot. The way she dropped like a sack of potatoes when I punched the breath out of her was hot. The way she crawled around the floor like an intoxicated slug was hot. The way she humped my leg while prettier girls sent me nudes was hot.

Hot isn’t what you are… it’s what I can make of you.

Third, despite this misunderstanding, your intuition is probably correct. Because anyone who’s meant for me knows that “pretty” matters but obedience is everything, and “hot” has to shout awfully loud to drown out the echo of a single “no”.