Questions and Answers

i had a dream about or a perception of you, i dont know what…

i had a dream about you…. or a perception of you, i dont know what you sound like or look like but i knew it was you.. you instructed me to touch myself in front of you, but i yearned to touch you, i wanted to so so so bad.. but i wasn’t allowed to.. i was in tears begging to touch you.. at least just to hold your hand but each time i begged id get a slap on the face.. until mid release you said yes.. but i literally scared myself awake because i felt myself on the edge of my bed, i’m not sure how i got there but i did scare myself wide awake

crazy how even without a clue about who you are.. you’re just swallowing me whole, im not sure what to make of this

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Oh come now… at this point, anyone with the slightest interest in my voice has heard endless hours of it. And I’ve even made everyone’s “shadowy, faceless man” dreams more vivid with the livestream silhouette. And you’ve got eight years of my thoughts to sift through, showing not just what I think, but how my thinking has evolved over time.

So in reality, you know a lot about who I am.

And yet your dreams are still full of my violence and disdain.

Which means now I know a lot about you, too.