Questions and Answers

You had answered a question I had before. It was more related to sex,…

You had answered a question I had before. It was more related to sex, but your answer was so good I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind answering something a little more serious:

There are a lot of really wonderful things about my boyfriend. He makes me happy in a lot of ways. Except this one.

Throughout our 6 month relationship he has randomly made comments about my body. He’s never said I was fat or I need to lose weight (I’m very small), but he has made comments about other things. He’ll point out the flaws he sees, but does it under the guise of teasing – things like my hands aren’t the prettiest, or he’ll point out my stomach when I’m sitting and ask me “what’s that?”, he’s commented on my chin (not fat just weird) etc. He’ll also comment on the things he likes on other women – redheads and freckles, which I don’t have either.

I’m finding myself trying to hide under the covers because I don’t want him to find something else wrong with me. And I’ve been enjoying the sex less and less because I’m so worried about my body.

And the thing that really hurt me was yesterday he commented that I should “buy a pair of breasts”. I’m already very insecure about my small chest and this just felt like a knife going through my chest.

I don’t know if I’m making a big deal out of nothing or there’s something wrong with this.

I find it odd that you’re asking this particular person this particular question, ‘cause, c’mon… I’d probably say far worse to you than anything your boyfriend can conjure.

And honestly, that should be the point. “Buy a pair of breasts”? Kiddo, demand a better brand of negging! If you’re going to let a man hollow you out with harsh criticism and his sexy, unreasonable demands, then the least he can fucking do is make it seem like he’s given your inadequacies more thought than would a random man on the street.

Your guy should like you enough to insult you properly.

So no, you’re not “making a big deal out of nothing”. This obviously isn’t a dynamic you crave, it’s making you feel progressively worse, and he’s really fucking lazy about it in the first place. No matter what kind of girl you are, you deserve better than this half-assery.

Tell him to shape up or you’re going to take your no-tits elsewhere, and he can kiss your flat ass goodbye.
