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One of my Doms rules are that we have minimal to zero contact over…

One of my Doms rules are that we have minimal to zero contact over the weekend. He made it clear at the beginning of our agreement that we wouldn’t get feelings involved and I thought I could do it so quickly agreed but now I’m really starting to miss him when he’s not around. I know the right thing to do would be to cut this whole thing off before deeper feelings develop but I don’t want to be without him 🙁 I’m also worried that if I told him I was developing an attachment he might cut me off

(submitted by: Anonymous)

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I have thoughts.

  1. Does he actually care if you develop feelings, or was he simply telling you that your feelings won’t impact his behavior? It’s a subtle distinction, but it matters.
  2. No, the “right thing” is to talk about it and see what he wants to do.
  3. If he’s your dom, then you need to give him the info he needs to run your show. That means telling him about those feelings. But you don’t have to throw them at him like, “I AM FALLING FOR YOU, MY DARLING!! DEAL WITH IT!!!” You can tell him you understand the nature of your agreement, that you’re not asking him to change, that you don’t demand reciprocation, that you are purely and simply telling him what you’re feeling so he is in full control in charting a path forward. Or no path at all.
  4. And if he doesn’t like that? Girl, he’s not your dom.