Questions and Answers

When you talk about yourself as God you’re so on point, for me checking…

When you talk about yourself as God you’re so on point, for me checking your blog is the only ritual in my life. I do it at least 2 times a day

(submitted by: Anonymous)

(submitted by: Anonymous)

It’s not a role I immediately embraced, because it seemed so grand.

But after enough people build shrines to you and pray to you and devote their lives to you, the deification starts slipping in around the edges.

And then I remembered that throughout history, gods have been everything from omnipotent sky-daddies to rocks that happened to be shaped vaguely like a fertile chick. Truth is, it’s a god when you revere it, and offer to it, and love it unconditionally. So I more than qualify.

Now the stream is a church service, the blog is a bible, and the sacrament is a bit on the salty side.

Not a bad gig, if you can get it.