Questions and Answers

would you fuck a girl if she didnt have a cunt? would you fuck…

would you fuck a girl if she didnt have a cunt? would you fuck a cunt if it didn’t belong to a girl?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’ve got about fifty variations on this ask in my inbox, but this is the one I like.

a cunt without a cunt: That’s a tough one. A vag can be pretty, while the alternative is, well… c’mon, it’s ridiculous. It’s sexual gristle. It’s like if Funko and H.R. Geiger designed a mutated mushroom monster. It’s a curse made out of skin; it’s only real purpose is damning every woman it touches.

But to answer your question… if her face is pretty, her mouth is sublime, and her ability to earn for Daddy is outstanding, I’d consider it.

a cunt without a girl: So I’ve established vagina == delightful. But patchy chest hair, baggy shirts, and backwards ball caps are not. So, again, conflicted.

How does he feel about drag? Or being dragged, for that matter? ‘Cause let’s face it, if I make him wear heels, he’s gonna break an ankle and I’ll be wishing he had enough hair to make him easier to haul around.

I’m sure that somewhere along one of the infinite branches of gender expression, there sits a laughably girlish boy who was put on this earth to be bullied by me. If I stumble across him, I’ll let you know.